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Friday, September 21, 2012

The Best Supplements For Muscle Gain

By Madea Jenssen

Finding which the best supplements for muscle gain are can feel like looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack. The group of shakes, pills, supplements, bars and other products that promise results in an instant is bewildering. Fortunately, a number of studies done by well known and reliable medical bodies have established what works and what does not.

Fortunately, the world of medicine has conducted a number of studies that make this process a lot easier. Before using any of these products, a thorough check of one's lifestyle is essential. Like any building, these products need a sound foundation on which to build. Sleeping for two hours a day, living on a diet composed of French fries and beer, a non existent exercise regime and poorly managed stress do not add up to a good foundation.

Actually, finding a product that works among the thousands available is the equivalent of navigating the infamous Straits of Magellan. Manufacturers seem to have a knack for obfuscation. Finding out the best, then, is almost next to impossible. Fortunately, medical science and its army of researchers has come to the rescue.

Among the products that have been proven to work is chemical that is normally found in the body. In about three hundred studies done over a number of years, seventy percent found that this chemical made a significant difference. Naturally synthesized in the human body from amino acids is produced naturally by body, but these products enhance its function. Like a catalyst, it helps fuel the body's activities, particularly those that require intense bursts of energy for a short time, such as body building.

Beta-Hydroxide Beta Methyl butyrate is another product that has proved its mettle. It is a derivative of leucine, which is a type of amino acid. Like creatine, it is well suited to short duration, high intensity workouts such as sprinting and weight lifting. A review of several studies has proved the efficacy of this product. Some companies are now making a highly potent combination of nitrogenous organic acid and Hydroxyl Beta Methyl butyrate.

This chemical has been found to be effective by over two hundred studies. However, just like chemical that is normally found in the body, its long term effects are unknown, so it should be used with that in mind. Some makers have made products combining nitrogenous organic acid and Hydroxyl Beta Methyl butyrate, and these have turned out extremely effective.

These are some of the best supplements for muscle gain. However, in order for them to work, they need a proper foundation. This includes eating a regular balanced diet, managing stress, having adequate sleep and exercising regularly. Without that, the products will disappoint.

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