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Monday, October 1, 2012

Jogging Tips For the Beginner


You're probably thinking that yet another set of tips on how to lose weight or how to stay on an exercise program couldn't have much to say that could be of use to you. Think of this - this is a country of people who battle weight problems every day, and more often than not, they quit midway because exercise is inconvenient, boring, and most importantly, personally demanding. Perhaps a few tips wouldn't be out of place after all. The slow steady trot that jogging is, can be a surprisingly effective way to revitalize your body and your cardiovascular system, and it can burn calories very effectively. Before we get on with our set of jogging tips, let's make sure that we get a little caveat out of the way - if you are older than 38 and somewhat overweight, make sure that you get a physician's approval before you put yourself on the jogging trail every day. And you would be served well taking the age cutoff down a notch if you smoke.
Not going it alone
The first rule of jogging and staying with the program would be to remember to have fun. It's possible that doing your Garfield-in-the-morning impression under the warm comfort of your quilt at the break of dawn and going out to pound the pavement doesn't exactly sound like fun; but that's just because our minds have a way of never appearing to like the things that truly makes us happy. Remember to loosen up when you are out there; fitness sports like jogging can be like playing the guitar - there is a community around it, and they are fiercely aware of a sense of community. And when you feel that you don't really have your heart in it and feel like giving up, the community will work to keep you going. If possible, join a running group in your area.
Jogging tips for apparel
Make sure that you get good quality jogging shoes; don't go for the high end of the market. All the sophisticated technology, motion control and specialized support that they use, more often than not, result in an unnatural position for your feet; and they can cause injury and damage over the long run. Try minimalist shoes that help keep your feet in a natural position. If you are a woman, the first rule of taking up jogging should be getting the best sports bra you can find. Unwanted jiggling and swinging is just the most unfortunate part of being active if you are a woman. Some women use double bras for the best effect - an encapsulating bra first, and a compressive bra on top. Make sure that you buy spandex underwear so that you don't chafe; and get socks meant for running. Cotton will just give you calluses.
Keeping your motivation up
To keep your heart in running, make sure that you stay in touch with your local running events, so that you can participate in races from time to time. Nothing works for motivation like a good healthy ego when you get beaten in a race.
Jogging tips for safety
Make sure that you keep hydrated with plenty of water through the day; Gatorade should be a good idea when you get out on a long run. Powdered sports drinks are cheaper than pre-mixed; since you can need a lot of it, it makes sense to go with a cost-effective one. When you get to running a lot, make sure that you protect yourself from chafing everywhere you need. That means Band-Aids over your nipples, and Vaseline between your toes. If you are feeling ambitious, scales up your distance, but by no more than a mile a week.
In the end, there's nothing as important as avoiding injury. This means that if you ever have aches and pains, you need to ice them immediately. Never jog alone at night; make sure that you stay out of the way of traffic; there are too many accidents that have happened to joggers to ever think that an approaching car will see you in time. Don't dress too warmly, and avoid frostbite. Safety does come first; even when you don't have the time for it.
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